About the PI
- 2023.6– Assistant Professor/Associate Senior Lecturer, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 2021.5–2023.5 Postdoctoral Researcher, Uppsala University (UU), Sweden
- 2018.5–2021.4 Postdoctoral Researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland
- 2024–2027 FFI project grant (SEK 5,300,000), “Online acoustic emission monitoring of electric vehicle battery health”, #2023-00990, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden (main PI)
- 2023 Young scientist grant (SEK 500,000), “Sound of gas evolution: an acoustic emission study of battery aging”, #23-372, ÅForsk Foundation, Sweden
- 2023–2026 Starting grant (SEK 4,000,000), “Electrode–electrolyte interphases in sustainable aqueous alkali-ion batteries”, #2022-03856, Swedish Research Council (VR), Sweden
- 2025 Rising Star in Materials Science, ACS Materials Au
- 2024 Bergstedt Prize, Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden
- 2024 Finalist awardee, Energy Lectureship (Early Career), Energy & Fuels Division, American Chemical Society (ACS)
- 2017 Chan Tak Kei & Wong Kwai Ying Best PG Award for Excellent Research, HKUST
- 2016 Overseas Research Awards, School of Engineering, HKUST
- 2024 Balder beamline (18 shifts), #20240472, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden
- 2024 DanMAX beamline (18 shifts), #20240474, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden
- 2023 DanMAX beamline (18 shifts), #20230319, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden
- 2017 ROCK beamline (15 shifts), #20170157, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
- 2017 11-ID-B beamline (0.5 shifts), #RA-GUP-54483, Advanced Photon Source, USA
Invited Talks
Invited conference talks
- International Conference Celebrating the 220th Anniversary of the First Theory of Electrolysis by Theodor von Grotthuss, Vilnius, Lithuania (05/06/2025).
- International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application: Energy Materials and Magnetic Materials, Hefei, China (21/12/2024, virtual).
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting (Award symposium), Denver, USA (18/8/2024).
- International Conference on Low Carbon Green Development, Changsha, China (20/10/2023).
- European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland (18/09/2023).
- Octagon Bay International Innovation Forum, Yantai, China (06/08/2023).
- NanoInnovation Conference, Rome, Italy (21/09/2022)
Invited departmental lectures, seminars, workshops
- L(a)unch Seminar, Berlin Technology Center, Germany (10/12/2024, virtual).
- Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (15/11/2024).
- Guangzhou Municipal Key Laboratory of Materials Informatics, Guangzhou, China (26/07/2024).
- School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, China (25/07/2024).
- Battery Sweden (BASE) Annual Meeting, Uppsala University, Sweden (03/04/2024).
- Structural Chemistry Programme, Uppsala University, Sweden (19/02/2024).
- School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, China (19/10/2023).
- ESS Knowledge Day, AB Volvo, Gothenburg, Sweden (29/06/2023).
- Stockholm Materials Hub (SMH) Workshop, Stockholm University, Sweden (25/05/2023).
- Battery Pub (14/03/2023, virtual).
- Laboratory “Chimie du Solide et de l’ Énergie”, Collège de France, France (20/12/2022).
- Energy Institute, HKUST, HKSAR (10/11/2022).
- School of Chemistry, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR (10/11/2022).
- School of Materials, Sun Yat-sen University, China (13/05/2021, virtual).
- CRISMAT Laboratory, CNRS, France (08/12/2020, virtual).
University and Professional Service
- PhD thesis examiner, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany (2025)
- PhD thesis examiner, Tongji University, China (2025)
- Steering committee member & UU representative, SENSE education program (coordinated by KTH)
- Organized biweekly laboratory meetings at the Structural Chemistry Program, UU (10–15 regular attendees)
- Organized weekly seminars at the Structural Chemistry Program, UU (50–70 regular attendees)
- Co-organized the Battery2030+ Third Annual Meeting at UU (2023.5)
- Co-organized the Battery2030+ First Young Scientist Event at UU (2022.6)
- JACS Au Early Career Advisory Board member (2024–2025)
- Board member and vice CEO, Metrilytics AB
- Peer reviewer: Nature Communications, ACS Energy Letters, Energy Storage Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Energy Materials, ChemSusChem, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Science China Chemistry, Materials Today Energy, Journal of Power Sources, Carbon Energy, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Journal of Energy Storage, Materials Advances, Ionics.
Pedagogy and Leadership Development
- Science Diplomacy Academy, SKERIC (two-year Sweden–Korea academic leadership program)
- Curious about Leadership (two-day leadership training)
- Course Development Course (two-week pedagogic training)
- Supervising Doctoral Students (three-week pedagogic training)
- Academic Teacher Training (five-week pedagogic training)
- Supervising student presentations (2.5-day pedagogic training)
- TekNat faculty mentorship (one year)
- TUR faculty mentorship (one year)