{% if post.link %} {{ title }} Permalink {% else %} {{ title }} {% endif %}
{% if post.read_time %} {% endif %} {% if post.collection == 'teaching' %}{{ post.type }}, {{ post.venue }}, {{ post.date | default: "1900-01-01" | date: "%Y" }}
{% elsif post.collection == 'publications' %}Published in {{ post.venue }}, {{ post.date | default: "1900-01-01" | date: "%Y" }}
{% elsif post.date %}{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label | default: "Published:" }}
{% endif %} {% if post.excerpt and site.read_more != 'enabled' %}{{ post.excerpt | markdownify }}
{% elsif post.excerpt and site.read_more == 'enabled' %}{{ post.excerpt | markdownify | remove: '
' | remove: '
' }} Read more {% endif %} {% if post.citation and post.paperurl %}Recommended citation: {{ post.citation }} {{ post.paperurl }}
{% elsif post.citation %}Recommended citation: {{ post.citation }}
{% elsif post.paperurl %}Download here
{% endif %}